It was a day at the IPL 2021 player auction. Chris Morris, Krishnappa Gowtham, and Riley Meredith br o ke the bank and created history in their own right in Chennai on Thursday (February 18). Morris became the foremost expensive player within the history of the IPL after the Rajasthan Royals shelled out a whopping INR 16.25 crore for the Proteas all-rounder. Gowtham became the foremost expensive uncapped player in IPL history — sold to the Chennai Super Kings for 9.25 crore. Meredith earned a similar tag in the overseas category as the Punjab Kings snapped him up for 8 crores. In the platinum league, Chris Morris was followed by Kyle Jamieson (RCB), Glenn Maxwell (RCB), and Jhye Richardson (PBKS), who were bought for 15 crores, 14.25 crore, and 14 crores respectively. A total of 298 players were a neighborhood of the proceedings, and therefore the Kings XI Punjab bought a maximum of 9 players by virtue of starting ...